Old Stamps Value - New Zealand to India | 50 Stunning Philatelic Exhibition Pieces

Old Stamps Value - New Zealand to India | 50 Stunning Philatelic Exhibition Pieces

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Publish Date:
18 December, 2023
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This video is a philatelic review of 50 old postage stamps in the world. Stamp collecting is generally accepted as one of the areas that make up the wider subject of philately, which is the study of stamps. A philatelist may, but does not have to, collect stamps. It is not uncommon for the term philatelist to be used to mean a stamp collector. Many casual stamp collectors accumulate stamps for sheer enjoyment and relaxation without worrying about details. The creation of a large or comprehensive collection, however, generally requires some philatelic knowledge and will usually contain areas of philatelic studies. Postage stamps are often collected for their historical value and geographical aspects and also for the many subjects depicted on them, ranging from ships, horses, and birds to kings, queens and presidents.

#stamps #mostexpensive #rare #value #art

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