Float Fishing for Thick Lipped Mullet Part 2 - Mullet Talk - Your Questions Answered!

Float Fishing for Thick Lipped Mullet Part 2 - Mullet Talk - Your Questions Answered!

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Publish Date:
20 March, 2023
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Alongside our first video which broadly covered all the elements of float fishing for thick lipped mullet (https://youtu.be/wXC20AgTocc), we ran a competition in which the best question asked by one of our viewers would win the complete set of equipment used by Hookpoint's Ben Conway in the film. We've had a fantastic response and so many good questions so now it's time to answer them!

Along with the answers to your questions, there's plenty of new footage from the stunning Cornish coastline and some beautiful silver mullet to boot!

If you enjoy this video, please give it a like and don't forget to subscribe for regular high-quality sea angling content!

0:00 Intro
1:02 Do I need to fish my bait near the bottom?
3:25 Do I need to avoid touching the bait to keep my scent off it?
4:26 Do I really need a landing net?
5:36 Do I really need to groundbait?
6:50 When you catch a mullet, do the rest of the fish spook?
8:04 What other baits are good for thick lipped mullet?
9:24 What do mullet eat naturally?
10:11 How would you fish for mullet in the Bristol Channel?
10:09 Will mullet still take the bait if they can see the hook?
12:49 How do you choose a mark for mullet fishing?
14:36 What tides are best for mullet fishing?
15:42 How do you fish the lift method for mullet?
16:56 Should you use fluorocarbon snoods?
18:49 Are circle hooks good for mullet fishing?
19:37 Can you use braid mainline for float fishing for mullet?
20:41 Can you use liquidised bread for mullet fishing?
21:50 Do you catch other species float fishing for mullet?
24:10 Do the mullet spook if they can see you?
25:52 Will bright clothes spook mullet?
27:09 Do you fine tune your shooting for bite sensitivity?
27:49 Does the lens colour on polaroid glasses make a difference?
28:44 Does rain water in an estuary put the mullet off feeding?
30:02 How do you keep the groundbait from drifting away in the current?
31:29 The winner!

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