SOLO Land Based Tuna On Stupidly Light Tackle!!

SOLO Land Based Tuna On Stupidly Light Tackle!!

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SOLO Land Based Tuna On Stupidly Light Tackle!!

What an incredible moment in time this was. My first longtail tuna!!!
The odds of that little school of tuna coming so close for me to cast at them. To then getting a topwater eat from one. A 25 minute fight later on a bass rod and it was landed. Exactly 1 meter, and weighed 8.4kg.
This memory and the video behind it will be with me for life!!

My Instagram - @josh.dfishing

Rod - Millerods Vibe freak, 7 ft 3, 3-6kg
Reel - Daiwa Certate 3000 ARK
Lure - Nomad long cast 20g
Braid - 15lb
Leader - 15lb x-link

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