The NEW float you need for your fishing...

The NEW float you need for your fishing...

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Publish Date:
20 June, 2024
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Big Bird and 'Team First Time Fishing' have been working alongside a fantastic a float company to build what they believe is the ultimate weapon when it comes to fishing for F1's on the pole!

Tested over months and months, this new float has been designed and adapted specifically for F1 heavy fisheries.

Half hollow tips, intricate shaping to the body of the float and closely chosen materials, including a unique 'mud coloured sugar coating' to the main body have created what we believe to be one of the best F1 pole floats available on the market.

Why? Why have we done this?

At First Time Fishing we are trying to bring the angler the information first hand to save you time in testing and getting a feel for new tackle. Team First Time Fishing compete in many National Matches, up and down the country and we want an 'edge' just as much as the next angler. However, we are fortunate to be in a position where we can work with some manufacturers to come up with tackle that anglers want! And this float, will be no exception.

If you fish for F1's regularly, this float will give you the confidence, durability and performance you need to catch regularly and efficiently. We are so pleased with the results!

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