12 Vertical Gardening Ideas using Flowering Vines and Climbers

12 Vertical Gardening Ideas using Flowering Vines and Climbers

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Publish Date:
3 August, 2024
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Join Rosanne as she takes you around her garden and shows you how you can "elevate" your garden design using flowering vines and climbers. Plus, learn how she pairs vines with decorative arbors, trellises, and tuteurs, taking into account the needs of the climbing plant as well as the aesthetics of the garden. You will be introduced to all of her favorite climbing annuals and perennials.
Don't miss this great introduction to vertical flower gardening!

My favorite online sources for garden supports:
- gardeners.com (Maypole and Tuteur with Jackmanii Clematis)
- gardenersedge.com
- kinsmangarden.com

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