9 Skill Sets Every Man Must Master

9 Skill Sets Every Man Must Master

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Publish Date:
8 September, 2020
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There are a lot of definitions and descriptions of what it means to be a man. With so many descriptions, it's hard to know what it really means and what it really takes to be a man in today's society.

Today, I share 9 skill sets that will help us become better protectors, providers, and presiders:

EDUCATION - Your ability to learn new information is critical if you want to expand your capacity to make more money, have more significant relationship, and live a better life.

MONEY - Do you know how to handle your money? If not, becoming a man means that you are a good steward of the resources that you have. Learning to master your money, will ensure that you have more of it.

STYLE - As a contractor would use a hammer to build a house, you can use style and fashion as a tool to help you accomplish what you want. Always strive to look your best. If you look good, you play good.

LEADERSHIP - At some point, you will be called upon as a leader in your business, family, or community. Your ability to influence and lead others will spell the difference between success and failure.

MARTIAL ARTS - One of our primary jobs as men is to protect. There are countless scenarios in which you may be called to protect yourself and others. Learning how to do so is something every man must be prepared for.

PHYSICAL FITNESS - Losing weight, becoming stronger, eating healthy: these are all things that a real man is developing. Not only will you look better, but you'll perform better too in all areas of your life.

COMMUNICATION - Every successful man has the ability to communicate a vision and articulate a message effectively. Expand your vocabulary, practice speaking in front of audiences, and learn how to engage people one on one.

MENTAL FORTITUDE - I've seen men crumble at the slightest sign of adversity. Can you keep calm under pressure? Can you keep your cool under stress? If not, you have no hope of achieving what you're capable of.

NETWORKING - In order to become a good networker, you have to become a man of value. Learn to make connections with powerful people. And, learn how to create win-win scenarios. If you can, you will become a powerful hub for other people.

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