Welcome Gardeners! Join me today for sowing some cut flower seeds, and transplanting some sunflowers. It’s a relaxing day… I can’t possibly get into any trouble by overcommitting to anything…right? 😉 Enjoy!
🌸 My Seed Starting Trays: https://glnk.io/jl865/digplantwaterrepeat
🌸 My Hat: https://www.sungrubbies.com/collections/wide-brim-women-hats/products/el-ranchero
Please use my code: janeymademedoit
🌸 My Merchandise Shop!: https://www.digplantwaterrepeat.com/shop
🌸 My Amazon Store!: Check out more of my favorite gardening supplies: https://www.amazon.com/shop/digplantwaterrepeat
————M Y L I N K S————
E M A I L: [email protected]
I N S T A G R A M: https://instagram.com/digplantwaterrepeat/
W E B S I T E: https://www.digplantwaterrepeat.com
M E R C H A N D I S E: https://www.digplantwaterrepeat.com/shop
————B R A N D S I W O R K W I T H————
🌸 Proven Winners: https://www.provenwinners.com
🌸 Hose Link: https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=1966261&u=3810512&m=122144&urllink=&afftrack=
🌸 Vego Garden Beds: https://glnk.io/r5z6q/dig-plant-water-repeat
———— A D D R E S S ————
Dig, Plant, Water, Repeat
417 Mace Blvd Ste J # 238
Davis, CA 95618
————F T C D I S C L A I M E R ————
This video is not sponsored, however some plants and equipment that I use in my garden have been provided to me to try out!
Amazon Associate: Some links are commissioned. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases! Thank you all so much for supporting me!
#cutflowers #sunflowers #californiagarden
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