Replace Pesticides With This Power Flower

Replace Pesticides With This Power Flower

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Publish Date:
24 June, 2024
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Standard License
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No need for pesticides in your garden! What you need is awesome alyssum. Along with a variety of other companion flowers, sweet alyssum attracts pests away from your precious crops while adding a splash of cheer along the way.

Companion planting is the best way to garden organically and with nature on your side. If you'd like a comprehensive list of companion flowers and herbs that complement the vegetables in your garden, check out our Garden Planner (link below), which is a piece of software which interactively shows you what to sow and plant and where and when to plant it.

For more about companion planting, check out these videos:
๐ŸŒบThe Best Flowers To Boost Vegetable Gardens

๐ŸŒบWhy Vegetables Need Friends

Our team of passionate plant nerds have been hard at work for many many months, thoroughly researching the science behind beneficial plants, bringing you tried and tested Evidence-Based Companion Planting methods. All of this in depth information and more is available on our online Garden Planner software (as shown in the video).

So, if you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more...

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If you've noticed any pests or beneficial insects in your garden lately please report them to us at