Being You Unapologetically: The Art of Self-discovery, Confidence & Authenticity

Being You Unapologetically: The Art of Self-discovery, Confidence & Authenticity

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Publish Date:
14 September, 2022
Hobbies for Guys
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Being ‘yourself’ is much easier said than done. We’re not only bombarded with media that tells us what we should aspire to, but some of us carry the scars of bullying or labels which have made us insecure about our personalities, interests, and perspectives.

So how do you go about (re)discovering who you truly are without everyone else’s opinions? That’s exactly what we’ll be discussing today; how exactly do you navigate the journey of self-discovery? And how do you confidently embrace your true and authentic self?

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00:00 Welcome sis!
02:13 Ding ding ding, dilemma: I still love my ex + an identity crisis
14:52 Tanzania was AMAZING
19:39 Childhood Insecurities + Unlearning Labels
37:52 How to discover and embrace who you are
57:41 The realities of being “different”

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At heart, To My Sisters is the fast-growing digital sisterhood founded to help women across the world draw from the community to manifest their greatest ambitions.

Primarily focused on personal development and business/entrepreneurship, To My Sisters is unique in its kind by offering women the space for holistic wellness, growth and healing. From dealing with past trauma to setting up your next business venture, TMS is the one-stop destination for women looking to break the boundaries of what is seen as possible in our time.

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