BTT #60 - When Men Abandon Hobbies/Friends For Women

BTT #60 - When Men Abandon Hobbies/Friends For Women

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Publish Date:
4 March, 2023
Hobbies for Guys
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In this video I take on the topic of abandoning hobbies/friends for women, and why it often leads to a train wreck from user: "Charles Odowd" below.

Nothing new here but the amount of guys that ditch their male friends and predominantly male organizations when they get a new girl is ridiculous. When a woman wants you to ditch your motorcycle, boat, friends, shooting club whatever, I can't understand how men don't see that as an overt attack on their wellbeing. I know this has been covered by you before but I still see it everyday and when the woman leaves the guy is left alone, without support and sometimes suicidal. And.... Did she ditch her friends and social life.... Oh hell no. Hahaha