How Jupiter controls Fortune ?

How Jupiter controls Fortune ?

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Jupiter the planet of happiness- Jupiter is that one planet which everyone looks forward for wisdom but based on our own personal chart there are numerous ways on how we get wisdom in life , Jupiter is one planet which helps you create a thought process and to create a thought process daily rituals are made which is mercury – which governs your day to day activity.

It is your daily activity which determines your religion and bhagya- It is never big decisions which will change your life but your daily actions which you perform sub consciously that will change your future. That is why it is said Genius is never born -they are created by consistent efforts and hard work.

Jupiter being the planet of thinking and being a slow mover if you have good Jupiter you can think for right answers and find solution to problems with cold mind so what happens to our brain is when we have to find answers to any question most people reply with instant answers but somewhere in deeper part of the brain lies the genius and to access it you need oxygen to activate it, so when we do deep breathing follow the daily rituals eventually we improve our Jupiter.

Jupiter is a planet with light atmosphere and air on earth is extremely heavy so you need to take some extra effort while inhaling to activate the part of wisdom brain but if you compare yourself to underwater divers there is also sea pressure and divers take helium oxygen mix and no wonder Jupiter is exalted in a watery sign as it is very easy for Jupiter to breathe in similar atmosphere.

Inhalers, nebulizers are part of Jupiter.

Now how to predict using Jupiter-

Jupiter in 1st house- Siblings health suffer, ego is the issue from very young age, if anyone ignores their suggestion next time they will not give advice. mad elephant in anger, these people work continuously for their mental health and even sacrifice their job, profession if not happy doing work.

Jupiter in 1st house is good as it shows native’s ability to give birth to new ideas and actions- Being a counsellor sitting in first house this person will have habit to advice everyone, the moment they hear a problem, they will provide a solution this is something inbuilt in them, As compassion, gratitude and charity is part of their nature. Telling people to do good is part of Jupiter’s ability.

Whichever house Jupiter is ruling in your chart now wisdom will come from that person in your life. If a planet is in happy state it will be deliver happily if not then via

You are just starting your life with Jupiter in lagna – there is lot to understand that is why people make fool of these people easily.

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