Task 3.2, Podcasting on Hobby, Interest, and Talent

Task 3.2, Podcasting on Hobby, Interest, and Talent

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Publish Date:
21 October, 2022
Hobbies for Guys
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Standard License
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Ahmad Alifi 1202223134
Christoper Aprialdo 1202220249
Faqih Adli Alfan 1202223202
Daffa Ananda Darwis 1202220403

Alifi: hello everyone my name is ahmad alifi i am 18 years old i am now continuing my studies at telkom university majoring in information systems, i got interested in information system because i like things rated to technologies, one of them are coding, and i also like graphic design, in high school i have a small bussiness where I can provide services to entrepreneurs to create their logo or their personal branding, and beside that i also like sports, i like futsal, swimming, running, pingpong, and billiard and some other sports. my talent is i can finish all my works effectively in a short time in my way, i can make it easier.

Alfan: Hello all my name is faqih adli alfan i'm 18 yo and im Banten specificly at Serang city.
Okay, i want to tell you my hobby
one of them is listening to music, but when I have free time I prefer to travel by motorbike, so I can combine my two hobbies together and i think i like that. Well the second is about my interest,I am interested in learning more about English because I think English is important for myself now and in the future,and my talent is that I am strong in driving long distances, but the name is human, there must be pain, so I have to rest in the sense that I can manage myself

Daffa: HI guys welcome to our podcast, today we will tell u and share about ourself icluding introduction,hobbies,interest,talented. first let me introduce myself, my name Daffa Ananda Darwis I'm from Jakarta. and heres what things of me. My hobbies are playing guitar, futsal, basketball pingpong and many more, fyi i like sports thats why i got many hobbies that things about sport. now telling my interest, i got interesed to anime and marvel universe, first to anime, theres alot of things that cool and even realistic to real life even a life lesson,and for the marvel things that made me interest to is about their theory and somekind like a mystery that makes alot of question to make us interesting to it. Last to tell about my takent i wanna tell u guys something first, dont expect too much about my talent because im not that talanted enough. One of my talent, wait im not sure this is talent but i can do wheelie with motorcycle HAHAHAH just kidding, one of my talent is i got skilled in basketball that can handle the ball so sticky like Kyrie Irving :3, and other skilled in futsal that can do many movement thing like Ronaldo SIUUUUU. hahahaaa i thing thats all from me next its time for my friend tell him about himself go ahead bro.

Thoper: Hello my name is Christopher Aprialdo and i’m from jakarta.
My hobby is playing football , and play some games when i’m bored
my interest is to study at bandung area , because i think that bandung is the comfortable place to study and another reason is that i want to make more friends , because i can get more knowledge for myself
My talent is playing game because a long time ago,I was joining a pro team and winning a few of competitions.