Why Men need "Nerdy" and "Geeky" Hobbies

Why Men need "Nerdy" and "Geeky" Hobbies

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Publish Date:
22 September, 2024
Hobbies for Guys
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#Highthumos Most men can benefit from a creative outlet. Something that requires deep focus, concentration, precision, problem solving and creativity.
It's odd that many of the hobbies men are drawn to are deemed "Nerdy," "Geeky." Shedding a negative light among the activities that tend to be predominantly male occupied.
Chess, Yoyoing, Card Games, Magic, Kendama, Video Games, Drawing, RPG Board games, fantasy writing, etc.
Yoga and meditation are held in high regard amongst many people as a practice to clear the mind and relieve stress.
But we see in many yoga studios an abundant amount of female attendees.
Obviously mediation and yoga can be useful for everyone but I believe men benefit much more from meditative practices that involve problem solving entwined with focused awareness.

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