Is Inflation Eating Your Income?

Is Inflation Eating Your Income?

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Publish Date:
5 September, 2022
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Is inflation eating your income? Let’s chat about figuring out which expenses are actually important to you and which ones can hit the road!

💰 which expenses are a priority to you (outside the obvious ones like rent or mortgage; groceries; utilities; and insurance)? Is paying for private school for your kids a priority? Is going on a two-week-long vacation every year a priority? Is paying for top-notch insurance a priority? Doesn’t matter what it is it only matters that you get crystal clear that it matters a lot to you.

💰 which expenses can be eliminated or reduced? Do you really need that super expensive phone plan, or can you switch to a carrier like @mintmobile ?

💰 discuss this with your spouse if you’re married. You two are a team and you’ve gotta get on the same playing field.

💰 really think about your expenses this week - constantly ask yourself as you spend this week if this expense is a priority or if it could be eliminated or reduced.

Alright! There you have it! Your challenge for this from my book Getting Good with Money (found in Chapter 3).

Have you grabbed a copy of my book, Getting Good with Money, yet? If not, head here ➡️

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