We have to ask ourselves THESE hard questions…

We have to ask ourselves THESE hard questions…

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Leaving relationships is so hard but it’s the most liberating thing for women to center themselves instead of being men’s accessory. We deserve a full life with our own hobbies and interests and careers and men not being threatened by them but happy to see us enjoy them. Men who won’t decenter themselves will force you to center them and you deserve more.

#soulmates #marriage #divorce #breakup #singlewoman #divorcedwoman #singleandhappy #dateyourself #redflags #greenflags #selfrespect #selflovepractices #healing #codependency #cyclebreaker #dontsettle #highstandards #betteroffalone #pickme #coolgirl #attachmentstyles #fatherwound #independentwoman #decentermen #feminism #womanism #patriarchyproblems #kingbaby #datingadvice #relationshipadvice

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