ALL Female Models From Every Warhammer 40k Starter Set- Painting Challenge! (All 10 Editions)

ALL Female Models From Every Warhammer 40k Starter Set- Painting Challenge! (All 10 Editions)

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Let’s Look at ALL of the Warhammer 40,000 edition starter boxes and paint all of the female miniatures! This journey spans 4 decades and some really cool models :-) These legendary starter kits are foundational to the whole industry!

From 10 editions of 40k there have been 8 classic starter boxes- Rogue Trader didn’t have a box, and 6th and 7th were both championed by the Dark Vengeance box. These 8 big boxes are absolute classics. They form foundational memories for a lot of us, and the majority of all demo games ever played in the history of Warhammer 40k have been played with minis from these sets. The two factions from these big boxes always become the mascots of the edition, and they get included in a variety of somewhat smaller starter kits at various price points.

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