How We Seduce Convention Nerds to Paint Miniatures

How We Seduce Convention Nerds to Paint Miniatures

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In-person events are a valuable opportunity to spread the joy of miniature painting! In this video I show off some experimental on-stage shows from Too Many Games Expo, and I also report on the massive success of the Paint and Take event :-) Min painting is one of the best hobbies ever invented, and I'm always game to figure out new ways to spread the good word at conventions and beyond.

Live events require a different strategy and skillset from filming and curating internet videos, so I'm trying to figure out what works and what doesn't! :-)

Big thanks to the following folks:
Too Many Games Expo for inviting me and expanding their tabletop events.
Trans Atlantis Games for supplying Two Thin Coats paint and running the paint and take event.
Beldolor Studios and Slapshot Showdown for donating miniatures!
Goblins and Growlers (Amber and Alain) for painting onstage!
Party of One Podcast (Jeff Stormer) for painting onstage!
Micah (volunteer from snapships) and Mike (creator of Slapshot Showdown) for welcoming me onto the alternative wargames panel.
The Classic Gaming Brothers (front row champions)
Everyone who hung out with me at the event! It was a great time :-)

More Goobertown:
Paint Bravely The Podcast- on your podcast app and
The Twenty Sided Realms Podcast

Disclosure: Too Many Games covered my travel expenses in order to appear at the event.

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