I Tried Painting Action Figures! Fabulous Marines are Bigger Than Ever :-) (McFarlane Warhammer)

I Tried Painting Action Figures! Fabulous Marines are Bigger Than Ever :-) (McFarlane Warhammer)

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McFarlane Toys sent me some Space Marine action figures to check out... just in time for Fabulous Marines 2024! Let's try painting some action figures and see how it goes :-)

www.FabulousMarines.com is the place to go if you want to learn more!

Please consider donating to the Trevor Project fundraiser! There's an easy YouTube Giving link here on this video.

Check out previous years of Fabulous Marines:
2023 https://youtu.be/lF11v_4ZfCw
2022 https://youtu.be/LSo2hP1bnB4
2021 https://youtu.be/X2SkCHrqWxo

Disclosure: I received 6 action figures for free as review stock. I have no other relationship with McFarlane Toys.

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