It’s another day that ends in Y and that means that there is someone on the internet who is saying terrible about men who like Video Games, Movies, and LEGO. Specifically LEGO came up a few times on this one, for some weird reason.
Our tweet today comes from “The Religious Hippie” an influencer I didn’t know existed until seeing this very tweet. And she says:”Whenever I talk to my girl friends who are looking for a husband and good father to their future kids, there is always 1 recurring turn off. Man-children. Men who cosplay (even LOTR)
I… ahhhh. It’s not a cosplay. I’m a fake wizard.
Men who cosplay (even LOTR), are obsessed with legos, marvel, star wars,... basically toys in general. It’s the #1 consistent complaint I hear from women, not only my friends.
Okay, there is a lot to upack here. And discussing this is like dancing the tango in a minefield while being tased by a cat that’s just been neutered. That means it’s really hard. Well, why would a topic like this be really hard to discuss? Because now we’re getting into the territory of things being much more than “video games bad.” You’re coming at lots of hobbies that transcend any one thing. There are sweeping generalizations here. And there’s also an argument about misandry to be made. And we will make it.
But I want to be clear. I hate repsonse videos. They’re often coming from places of hate or negativity; as a kind of punishment the original creator. I don’t like that. OP might be punching down at people and doesn’t know it, but that’s not at all what this channel is. Do not send any hate her way. If you do, you do not represent me; that’s on you.
I believe that while “The Religious Hippie”, perhaps, didn’t know the kind hole she was digging when she made that tweet… we are here together now. I hope there’s something for everyone to learn from this.
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