Presidential Hobbies from Washington to Biden

Presidential Hobbies from Washington to Biden

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Have you ever wondered what the Presidents of the United States have done for fun when not attending to their Presidential duties? Some have been heavily invested in outdoor activities such hunting, fishing, horseback riding, to even skinny dipping. Others enjoyed hobbies like reading fiction, writing poetry, and stamp collecting.

0:00 George Washington
0:48 John Adams
1:18 Thomas Jefferson
1:33 James Madison
1:55 James Monroe
2:03 John Quincy Adams
2:56 Andrew Jackson
3:24 Martin Van Buren
3:35 William Henry Harrison
4:00 John Tyler
4:19 James K. Polk
4:55 Zachary Taylor
5:19 Millard Fillmore
5:40 Franklin Pierce
5:57 James Buchanan
6:28 Abraham Lincoln
7:04 Andrew Johnson
7:25 Ulysses S. Grant
7:47 Rutherford B. Hayes
8:20 James A. Garfield
8:50 Chester A. Arthur
9:11 Grover Cleveland
9:31 Benjamin Harrison
10:07 William McKinley
10:26 Theodore Roosevelt
10:58 William Howard Taft
11:56 Woodrow Wilson
12:35 Warren G. Harding
13:11 Calvin Coolidge
13:37 Herbert Hoover
14:31 Franklin D. Roosevelt
15:00 Harry S. Truman
15:57 Dwight D. Eisenhower
16:30 John F. Kennedy
17:02 Lyndon B. Johnson
18:02 Richard Nixon
18:23 Gerald Ford
18:55 Jimmy Carter
19:49 Ronald Reagan
20:38 George Bush
21:20 Bill Clinton
21:54 George W. Bush
22:55 Barack Obama
23:35 Donald Trump
24:29 Joe Biden

George Washington loved farmingso much that when people would visit him to hear stories of the war, Washington would instead talk to them about his Garden and his plans to improve it. James A. Garfield enjoyed chess so much that he decided to give it up for the good of his career as he was becoming too absorbed with the game.

Presidents like George W. Bush became very engaged in creative hobbies later in life after leaving office. In the case of Bush, he enjoys painting. Certain presidents have faced criticism over their hobbies. In recent years, both Barack Obama and Donald Trump were criticized were spending too much time golfing.

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