5 Tips To Choosing Knitting Patterns For Beginners

5 Tips To Choosing Knitting Patterns For Beginners

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5 Tips To Choosing Knitting Patterns For Beginners

Wondering which pattern to tackle first, or next?
Get confused by the jargon, or the number of patterns there are to choose from?
This is the video for you. Let's find some focus, and find the next pattern for you. Knowing which clues will help you pick is the first step to getting you knitting.

The Masterful Knitter:

Knitting skills and techniques courses:

And for the Knit With Hannah ready-made Knitting kits, take a look here:

To see other videos on this topic check out:

Beginner Knitters 101 Playlist:

Beginner Knitters Tool Kit Essentials

What To Knit For Beginners:

How To Weave In Yarn Ends:


Here's a link to a free pdf download of a cheat sheet to give you 6 beginner knitting mistakes you can avoid. You’ll be knitting wow-worthy knits faster than anyone else! :0)



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Check out all the goodies on my website too:
Beginner Knitter Courses:

Knitting Kits, Tools and Yarns:

And learn more about Hannah here:


Music on intro and outro from the free-to-use YouTube Library:
Far Behind, By Silent Partner