I talk through some of my personal knitting inspiration for this Autumn/ Winter. Summed up it's basically 1940's crofter- granny chic!
Ravelry Bundle: https://www.ravelry.com/bundles/autumn-knitting-inspiration-2023
*Next shop update the end of September. Exact date TBC. Sign up to newsletter below to get more info on exact timings*
The shop has been updated with advent calendars and other goodies!
SHOP: https://www.woollymammothfibrecompany.com/shop
NEWSLETTER: https://www.woollymammothfibrecompany.com/newsletter-sign-up
Levitate Wrap by My Favourite Things Knitwear in Woolly Mammoth Fibre Company Jacob, Hebridean and Cheviot yarn [limited edition!]
Instagram: @WoollyMammothFibres
Webshop: https://www.woollymammothfibrecompany.com/shop
Rav: WoollyMammothEmma