Continental Knitting vs English Knitting - What’s the Difference?

Continental Knitting vs English Knitting - What’s the Difference?

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Publish Date:
23 December, 2022
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Did you know that not all knitters knit the same?

The two most well-known ways of knitting are the Continental knitting and English knitting styles. The biggest difference between these two popular techniques is how you hold the yarn while you knit. This tiny change can make a big difference in how quickly and comfortably you can knit. One technique might also be better for crocheters who want to learn how to knit too!

So, is the Continental knitting style better? Or is the English knitting style better?

Many knitters will feel passionately about one style versus the other. In this video, Hannah breaks down the differences between the Continental and English styles of knitting to help you decide which style might be best for you!

Spoiler: we recommend you try BOTH!

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