florence's knitting podcast 26: the one where I knitted the same mitten three times

florence's knitting podcast 26: the one where I knitted the same mitten three times

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Publish Date:
16 February, 2024
Video License
Standard License
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ad | some of the yarn in this video was provided free of charge, you can see it marked (sponsored) in the lists below, although I'm not being paid to speak about anything in this video

my instagram: handmade_by_florence (previously handmadebyflorence but my instagram has been disabled so iā€™m having to move to a new account)
my ravelry: https://www.ravelry.com/people/flrln

patterns and yarns mentioned:

may ball wrap: patten in testing - apply for the test knit here https://forms.gle/S5bSS7d4Wd4f7yJQA
(majo garn fine merino in vanilla and pearl mohair in ivory)

super selene: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/super-selene
(sponsored) (gepard puno in 101, 147, 510, 774 and knitting for olive soft silk mohair in morning haze)

weekend hat: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/weekend-hat-5
also using elements from the oslo hat: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/oslo-hat-5
(sandnes garn peer gynt in 4228 and 6035)

waffle loop sweater: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/waffle-loop-sweater
(sponsored) (gepard pura lana in 106 rose grey and kid seta in 104 magnolia flowers)

vikvarvet (mittens): https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/vikvarvet
(bc garn loch lomond in silver and dark brown)

the yarn shops I mention frequently and things I bought:

- my ivory room (london): https://myivoryroom.co.uk
(seeknit ka replacement cables)

- the oxford yarn store (oxford): https://www.oxfordyarn.com
(knitting for olive merino in dusty aqua, marzipan and navy and sandnes peer gynt in 6050 above the clouds)

- the woolhound (oxford)
(petiteknit regular size project bag)

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