I’ll Knit If I Want To: Episode 115

I’ll Knit If I Want To: Episode 115

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Publish Date:
21 May, 2023
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Welcome to I’ll Knit (& Spin!) If I want To! I asked y’all to send in some of your questions (from everything from fiber arts, to designing and on!) so I could put together a little video for y’all every Friday doing my best to answer your questions!

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In this week’s episode we cover:

1. I am exciting for warmer weather and the change of the seasons. Like you, I live in a old character house. Since moving to this house 10 years ago, summer has brought on the challenge of moths in my closet. In past years I have lost store bought wool items because they have sat in my closet without wear all summer. When I eventually pull them out in the fall I find the telltale signs of moths and the items are ruined. Recently, I have started to knit my own sweaters and am worried that these precious items will meet the same demise. I have made sure that all my wool items are clean and washed at end of winter. Is this enough? Do you have any thoughts or advice? Thanks. Love your YouTube channel. I have learned so much from listening to everyone's questions. You have created such an amazing community!

2. Dear Andrea, first I want to say that your such an inspiration and always spread such a good mood! I was wondering if your planning on releasing more sweater pattern for children? I have a very young sister- she just tuned 8! I often knit her sweaters and already modified some adult sweaters for her, but its always a funky ride if the sweater will fit. I actually knit your rose cardigan for her when she was 5 ish. In no way do I want to suggest what you should design, just wanted to let you know that I would love many of your sweaters also for older children, because I often find it hart to find patterns for this age. Its often between young children and adults. Have a good day:)

3. Hi Andrea! I'm plotting to knit the Harlow Hat Worsted, and use up some Spincycle Dreamstate left from the Throwover Cardi (which came out sooooo nicely I love it!) and I am trying to choose a beige to go with it as the second colour. I am not very experienced in Brioche, having only made a scarf for my niece at Christmas (which turned out well!) My question is about the yarn for Brioche. I heard you say that we knit looser in Brioche and I am already a bit of a loose knitter. The yarn I've found seems to have quite a loose twist. Its lovely and plump and soft (and 100% wool) but, will the softness and loose twist be a possible problem for Brioche? Should I look for a yarn that is twistier (is that a word? I like it!) and perhaps a bit more rustic / sticky? Or might my squishy yarn be ok? Thanks for any advice! Best wishes

4. My son in law wants the new hoodie The Traveler. Beautiful by the way! How or could I change the shape at bottom to obviously make it a straight non cropped hoodie? He’s 41 in chest. I’m thinking to find the point where the stitch count is when increases on body are done? That would be my cast on??? I’m a faithful viewer and always learn much.❤️

5. I'm knitting a steeked cardigan (Budding by Anna Johanna) for a beloved friend whose body type doesn't align with a straight size. With all the customizations they require (including a full bicep adjustment and potentially bust darts), I really want to make sure the item will fit BEFORE cutting the steek--the point of no return! As designed, the button band is quite narrow and appears to be the same width as the 7 steek stitches. If I have them try on the sweater pre-cutting, will it show a fit comparable to a buttoned up cardigan? Aside from blocking and measuring, is trying it on like this going to be informative of actual fit?

I am wearing the DRK Everyday Sweater -


And the Harlow Worsted hat (One color/handspun) -


DRK March to May KAL - Ravelry Forums:

Sweaters: https://www.ravelry.com/discuss/dreareneeknits/4247141/

Shawls: https://www.ravelry.com/discuss/dreareneeknits/4247142/

Join on Instagram with the hashtags: #DRKMARCH2MAYKAL23

DRK Spin It to Knit It…Along - Weekender Style - Ravelry Forum:

Join on Instagram with the hashtags: #DRKspinittoknitKAL and #DRKspinsTHEWEEKENDER

Ask a question for next week’s Q&A: https://forms.gle/pKM9gF9SixkdQwmS7

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