I’ll Knit If I Want To: Episode 122

I’ll Knit If I Want To: Episode 122

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Publish Date:
9 July, 2023
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Welcome to I’ll Knit (& Spin!) If I want To! I asked y’all to send in some of your questions (from everything from fiber arts, to designing and on!) so I could put together a little video for y’all every Friday doing my best to answer your questions!

Sign up for my newsletter here: Sign up for the DRK Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/diPxsr

In this week’s episode we cover:

1. I’m really excited to knit the traveller but I did take the time to make myself swatch! I’ve got perfect stitch gauge however my row gauge isn’t quite there - 36 rows rather than 39 to 4”. I don’t really want to mess with the needles when the stitch gauge is bang on the 21.5! What do I do!? I know that row gauge is particularly important with this stitch pattern so should I be prioritising that? Thank you so much for any answer you can give, I really enjoy and appreciate the support you give the community every week ❤️

2. I love watching your shows and am currently knitting the throwback cardigan which has been great to knit and currently up to the sleeves, which are always tedious to do as you have to keep turning the whole garment as you do it. My question is, can you knit the sleeves first or separately with any sweater/jumper/cardigan design? I made the Clayoquot cardigan from Tin Can Knits and it was so awesome to get the sleeves out the way first. It also acts as a good swatch. I'm just not sure if it can be done with any project.

3. Thank you for all your lovely videos. I just tried habit stacking. I had not long, just bought a really lightweight chair to encourage me to get out and about more regularly so I could find a spot a knit for a bit. It’s so easy to talk myself into staying in with my needles. Then I saw your email about habit stacking. It’s taken a little while still but I finally headed out with my needles and walked along the beach. Which is particularly full of seaweed at the minute. That was some slippy fun. I love being out in nature and know it’s so good for our mental well-being but is still hard work some days. I was wondering if you would be creating a hashtag or group that we could share our walking knitalongs?

Ravelry Group - Walking knitting forum https://www.ravelry.com/discuss/dreareneeknits/topics/4266600

4. Hopefully I didn’t miss this, but I’m so curious about how you carry your yarn for your walk and knits!!

Bookhou - https://www.bookhou.com/collections/bags

MadderRoot Maine - https://madderroot.com

5. When knitting socks, do you recommend negative ease for both length and width? How much? I remember reading somewhere that someone suggested only negative ease for length while another website said both length and width. I made myself a pair of socks that ended up fitting way too much "like a glove" and they may be perfect for wearing in shoes but they don't feel nice and cozy for wearing around the house. I love your videos and your bright energy!

6.Hello Andrea , thanks for making time to do your weekly podcast and answer our questions. I am getting ready for a trip to Europe ( from Quebec ) and I could use your advice as to how to pack my knitting , I already listen to your advice regarding needles but I am interested to see what bag you use and how you pack. I will travel with in cabin luggage only ( 1 carry-on plus 1 backpack or bag ). Thanks

Amber Jensen - http://www.ambermjensen.com

Hide and Hammer - https://hideandhammer.co.uk

Carry cherry spindles - https://www.carrycherryspindle.com/shop

Stitches & Starlight - @stitchesandstarlight

I am wearing the Attune Shawl:

With my hacked Orchard’s Dress: https://www.vivianshaochen.com/patterns/orchards-dress

Attune Shawl SAL/KAL Ravelry forum: https://www.ravelry.com/discuss/wool-n-spinning/topics/4261095
Instagram Hashtag: #spintoknitATTUNE
Rachel’s YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/live/jmYqOdGbLQg?feature=share&t=775

DRK Spin It to Knit It…Along - Weekender Style - Ravelry Forum:

Join on Instagram with the hashtags: #DRKspinittoknitKAL and #DRKspinsTHEWEEKENDER

Ask a question for next week’s Q&A: https://forms.gle/pKM9gF9SixkdQwmS7