I’ll Knit If I Want To: Episode 125

I’ll Knit If I Want To: Episode 125

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Publish Date:
30 July, 2023
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Welcome to I’ll Knit (& Spin!) If I want To! I asked y’all to send in some of your questions (from everything from fiber arts, to designing and on!) so I could put together a little video for y’all every Friday doing my best to answer your questions!

Sign up for my newsletter here: Sign up for the DRK Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/diPxsr

In this week’s episode we cover:

1. I am in the middle of knitting my handspun attune shawl (and loving it). I began knitting with a gray as my main color and a scrappy spin as my cc. I love how the solid gray gives the edge definition, but I really love how the wrong side of the fabric is looking with all of the contrast pops of color standing to the front. As I transition to the garter section, is there I way to make the “Wrong side” the “right side” without it looking out of place. I am really loving those beautiful colors on the “wrong side” of the brioche. Thanks in advance for your help! Your patterns are by far my favorite knits.

2. My question…I am super stumped over brioche knitting! I attempted the Old Port Hat as a first try at Brioche but had nothing but trouble, starting over many times before finally giving up. Then I heard you say in an “I’ll knit if I want to” episode that if you’re having trouble with that hat to start with the Harlow Hat first. So that’s what i did. I figured out the stitch pattern pretty well, found my rhythm and I’m enjoying it. HOWEVER…I’m having a lot of trouble knowing how to fix mistakes. Even if I “Un-knit”, i just make a mess of things. Is there any kind of tutorial about fixing mistakes during Brioche? I’m used to finding and fixing all kinds of problems with regular knitting, but the Brioche is just one big mystery!!! Thank you for all your help, you’ve truly been a huge blessing to me on my knitting journey!!

Videos - (84) fixing brioche mistakes - YouTube
Knitting fresh brioche - https://bookshop.org/p/books/knitting-fresh-brioche-creating-two-color-twists-turns-nancy-marchant/9081285

3. Hey Andrea. Newbie spinner and returning hard core to knitting. My question is around note taking. I immediately went to note taking on my projects (both knitting and spinning) but I'm finding I'm missing some key information as well; learning as I go. :-) I also know that collecting too much info will also overwhelm me. My question to you is what do you find or consider capturing for your spin projects and/or knit projects. Thank you!

GoodNotes - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/goodnotes-5/id1444383602

4. I was gifted a large amount of 100% alpaca yarn. It is very lovely! It's enough for making a short sleeve top, but I know it will strech and not bounce back the way sheep wool will do. If I hold it double with something that would help it hold its shape, like wool or mohair, would it keep the shape of sweater?

5. I am getting ready to knit my 2nd sweater (the weekender being my first). I will be knitting ochre moss. I have began with cuff so far and about to start the sleeves but I am confused. It reads REP [Rnds 1-6] from stitch pattern chart, repeating the 6-rnd, 2-st rep across the rnd. (I am not sure what you mean by this. Can you explain this to me. (And it follows) AT THE SAME TIME, beginning with rnd 3 of the chart, work a sleeve inc. rnd (below) every (depending on size) times total. I have just started and this is where I am stuck. I hope my question makes sense, I am confused on the first part but believe I understand the second part where increases come into play. Please help, I am hoping to wear this for thanksgiving. Thank you!

Tin Can Knits Chart reading blog post - Knitting Charts: How To Read A Knitting Chart – tin can knits

I am wearing the DRK Everyday Cowl:
Ravelry: DRK Everyday Cowl pattern by Andrea Mowry


Rhinebeck 2023 Tessellated KAL: Instagram - #RhinebeckTessellatedKAL & link: https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/rhinebecktessellatedkal/

Ravelry KAL Forum - https://www.ravelry.com/discuss/dreareneeknits/topics/4266870

Facebook KAL Forum - https://www.facebook.com/groups/6509872319032927/

Attune Shawl SAL/KAL Ravelry forum: https://www.ravelry.com/discuss/wool-n-spinning/topics/4261095
Instagram Hashtag: #spintoknitATTUNE
Rachel’s YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/live/jmYqOdGbLQg?feature=share&t=775

DRK Spin It to Knit It…Along - Weekender Style - Ravelry Forum:

Join on Instagram with the hashtags: #DRKspinittoknitKAL and #DRKspinsTHEWEEKENDER

Ask a question for next week’s Q&A: https://forms.gle/pKM9gF9SixkdQwmS7