I’ll Knit If I Want To: Episode 93

I’ll Knit If I Want To: Episode 93

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Publish Date:
18 December, 2022
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Welcome to I’ll Knit (& Spin!) If I want To! I asked y’all to send in some of your questions (from everything from fiber arts, to designing and on!) so I could put together a little video for y’all every Friday doing my best to answer your questions!

In this week’s episode we cover:

1. Interested in learning to spin. My mom bought me a drip spindle for my birthday that I’ve yet to use (gift knots have me swamped 🤪). I fell down the YouTube rabbit hole and now I’m searching for a spinning wheel. Help!!! What is your suggestion on the best wheel for a beginners.

2. I'm finally getting around to trying your DRK Everyday Socks and I'm using a self-striping sock advent to make them and I want your advice about heel placement. I often overthink the heel placement on a regular top-down sock anyway, because it seems like inevitably, my sock is a little loose once my sweaty foot stretches it out. Now I'm even overthinking it MORE because I would love the stripes to work out so I can use the contrast color on the heel. Any advice on how to deal with the heel placement with a self-striping yarn, like your Whiskey in a Teacup sample. Also, if I'm trying on my sock and trying to figure out the heel placement, where should I start the increases? You say about 1.5 inches for my size sock, but is there a good place on the foot where your increases should begin so I don't end up with a loose sock? Thank you!

3. Hi, Andrea! This is a bonus question of sorts! I’m getting married next year and am curious if you incorporated any knitting into your wedding to Spicy Pete! What are some of your favorite memories from your special day? Thank you so much!

4. Hi Andrea! I started knitting a year ago and I love your weekly Q&A which has helped me so much on my knitting journey! Now I have a question of my own, so, I knit a lot of onesies for my daughter and usually make the buttonhole by doing a yarn over. All is fine in the beginning but after she's worn it for some time the buttonhole grows which leads to the buttons opening when she's wearing it. Is there a way to fix this? I tried reinforcing the buttonhole with some yarn but the same thing happened. Should I use a different method for making the buttonholes? Reinforcing it even more? Or just use bigger buttons? But then they don't fit before the hole grows.. I would really appreciate if you have any tips!

5. Hello and thank you for answering questions every week! I love watching while knitting on Friday night! Here’s my question: recently I’ve knit a couple sweaters with a folded collar. Both sweaters have had you do a provisional cast on, knit the collar (one was 2x2 ribbing and the other was 3x1 ribbing), and then fold it and knit the two ends of the collar together before continuing on to the body. For both sweaters, I’ve found that this results in a collar that doesn’t really hold its shape. It stretches out in a way that I don’t really like. Do you have any idea why this might be? Am I doing something wrong or is this a common problem? (I googled and couldn’t find anything!) Do you have any suggestions for fixing the problem? I’ve read about doing a single crochet reinforcement on the inside of the collar, but this seems like it wouldn’t work well for a folded collar since I’d only get the inside layer. I appreciate any advice you have… I love the sweaters and want to be able to save the collars! Thank you 😊

Gluten Free Pie Crust: https://theloopywhisk.com/2021/08/22/extra-flaky-all-butter-gluten-free-pie-crust/

DRK Spin It to Knit It…Along - Weekender Style - Ravelry Forum:

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Big Cozy Cardi KAL: https://thefarmersdaughterfibers.com/blogs/woolgathers-from-320-central/cozy-cardi-kal

I am wearing Gib:

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