MC Knitting Adventures Podcast - Episode #134 - Muskoka Yarn Connection, Bracebridge, ON

MC Knitting Adventures Podcast - Episode #134 - Muskoka Yarn Connection, Bracebridge, ON

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A fun knitting podcast hosted by May and Colleen from London, Ontario, Canada. Our adventures take us to different yarn stores and interesting places.

In this episode, we visit Muskoka Yarn Connection in Bracebridge Ontario. We had a wonderful visit with Sandy who works part-time at the store. Michele C. Meadows is the owner of the store. Michele has created a beautiful space with lots of yarns, kits, and so much more. Michele dyes amazing yarn as the Muskoka Yarn Goddess.

Come and join us as May and I talk about knitting, woodworking, and other crafts too.

You can find our show notes in our Ravelry Group by clicking on the link below:

Contact Information
Instagram @mcknitadventures,
Ravelry Group: MC Knitting Adventures
Ravelry: mcknitadventures