My favourite summer knitting patterns | things I've made, WIPs and great new patterns!

My favourite summer knitting patterns | things I've made, WIPs and great new patterns!

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Publish Date:
30 September, 2023
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I love including knits in my capsule wardrobe! Often we think of autumn and winter for knitting, but there are so many great patterns and fibres out there that are brilliant for summer.

I talk through the pieces I've made, what I'm working on now, and what I'd like to make next.

Pieces are:

- Ripple crop top by Jessie Maed Designs
- Ripple crop top worsted by Jessie Maed Designs
- Outline Tank by JMD (dungarees are Burnside Bibs by Sew House 7)
- Camisole no 2 by My Favourite Things Knitwear
- Fanel Cardigan in naturally dyed wool by me (I used madder root)
- Monstera Socks by Melia Knits in wool from James Makes Yarn
- Free sock pattern with WYS wool in shade 'Woodland Awake'
- Camisole no 5 by MFT Knitwear
- Look At My Holes - image from James Watt's Ravelry page
- Vacation Vest - image from Park n Knit's Ravelry page


Let me know what you think in the comments! I want to hear your pattern ideas :)

Lorna xx

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