7 smart phone photography tips & tricks

7 smart phone photography tips & tricks

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Learn how to shoot by your smartphone today! Smartphone photography has become popular now because smartphone cameras have a great improvement with many features like the real camera. This video covers 7 good and affordable tips and tricks to advice your creative smartphone photography.

Check out 8 best tools to make animated photos: https://bit.ly/33gCTXS

Waterproof Bag: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01I1430WQ/?ref=exp_inf_pl_filmoramvp

1. Water droplets on glass filter
2. Sunglass filter
3. Stairs lighting effects
4. Waterproof bag tips
5. Flashlight effects
6. DIY phone stablizer
7. Creative phone panorama tricks

Thanks for watching! Hope you enjoy the video and you can download Filmora video editor to make your smartphone videos more professional.

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