TikTok Photography Hacks vs Reality... LIVE!

TikTok Photography Hacks vs Reality... LIVE!

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Publish Date:
4 June, 2024
Video License
Standard License
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If you need some photo inspiration then TikTok is awash with quick hacks which are all guaranteed to instantly make your photos look AWESOME... or so the videos claim. But are these photo tricks actually any use or are they just clickbait trash?

In this live session I'm going to try out some studio based photo hacks and see if the results in the real world match up to the promised images on TikTok. From futuristic lens flare ideas to interesting ways to frame your models, let's see if any of these viral photo tips actually work.

Join in the conversation and ask you editing related questions on this live post processing demo.

YouTube: https://youtube.com/@GavinHoey
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thegavinhoey
TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@thegavinhoey
Website: https://www.gavtrain.com/
Watch me on: https://youtube.com/@Adorama

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