Tiny RC Car can do 50mph! Best mini rc car ever?

Tiny RC Car can do 50mph! Best mini rc car ever?

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The new Arrma GROM Brushless cars are FAST! But are they any good?

🚗Win some of my cars https://raffall.com/kevin_talbot


Buy Cars here - https://tinyurl.com/5asjkbjp

GPM Upgrades - https://www.gpmracing.com.hk/

Gens Ace - https://gensace.de/collections/charger/products/imars-d1000

This is my fun channel, you'll find everything hobby related, rc cars, monster trucks, supercars, destruction and a bit of business stuff :) Most videos are RC Cars, business, Amazon FBA, eBay, Monster truck, Cars, insurance, cryptocurrency and other topics.


#Kevintalbot #rccars #rc