Flowering Plants for Shade | Shade Gardening ideas | Shade loving perennials | Shade Area Plants

Flowering Plants for Shade | Shade Gardening ideas | Shade loving perennials | Shade Area Plants

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Shade gardens can feel bright and vibrant, with the right selection of plants and placing them in perfect spot to bring best cascading appeal, to bring it up best appeal we need to identify the plant style , foliage and texture , blooming time and growth of the plant.

we, in this episode, first take a quick tour at commonly known shade area plant names that most gardeners aware of it , then we explore few shade area flowering plants that brings unique style, textures and bright blooms.
let us take quick tour on commonly known and easy grown shaded area plants.


3.Coral Bells (Heucheras)
4.Lily of the valley
5.Hellebore (Lenten Rose)
10.Jacob's Ladder ( charity plant )
12.Corydalis 'Canary Feathers'
13.Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)
14.Oakleaf Hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia)
15.Whitewater Acanthus
16.Lungwort Pulmonaria
17.Lamium Dead Nettle (Spotted Nettle)
18.Winky Columbine Aquilegia
19.Bleeding Heart
20.White Wood Aster (Aster divaricatus)