Beginning Glass Cup

Beginning Glass Cup

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Publish Date:
27 November, 2022
Glass Blowing
Video License
Standard License
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This video demonstrates how to make a beginning glass cup. More beginning tutorials to come.
Anneal: The process of cooling glass down slowly to relieve stress. 

Benchblow: The process of blowing out a piece by an assistant while the Gaffer sits at the bench. 

Diamond Shears: A tool not unlike scissors where the blades come together to make a diamond. 

Flash: Exposing a piece to heat for a short period of time. 

Floor Model: An undesirable result due to the learning curve. 

Gaffer: The person who is in charge of the piece and directs those supporting.

Gather: The act of getting glass out of the furnace with a blow pipe or a solid punty. 

Jacks: A tool used to shape and score the glass.

Marver: A large metal table used to shape the glass. 

Paddle: A wooden paddle used to shape the glass and protect the gaffer from the heat.

Punty: A metal rod with glass on it used to make a temporary connection. 

Thermal Shock: When the glass cools off too fast and results in cracking and breaking. 

Tweezers: A tool used to manipulate hot glass and/or apply water. 


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