24 Hobbies to Start in 2024

24 Hobbies to Start in 2024

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Hobbies to start in 2024 if you want to be more creative, connect with other people and focus on your fitness this year.

I break down the 24 hobbies into three categories of 8 hobbies each. I talk about creative hobbies, fitness hobbies and classes you can attend.

I also believe that 2024 is a year focussed on community and starting a hobby is a create way to meet new people since you already have a common interest.

What hobbies are you going to start today?

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More videos to watch:

10 Habits to Change Your Life: https://youtu.be/2IAeRi24i74?si=_LdacFD05uerzAPp

2024 Prep: Get my life together https://youtu.be/wXDIKcitcBs?si=W47_vt2zYvV_FmfU

The 29 Diaries: I am spending 365 days relentlessly pursuing my goals in 5 areas of my life. Career, Friendships, Health, Adventure and Home to leave my 20s knowing I gave it my all and head into my 30s excited for whatever is to come next.


About my channel:

Marissa, here! I'm a multi passionate creative currently pursuing my dreams of being a full time content creator, author and creative. I am on a mission to empower women to live creative lives through business, hobbies and habits. Become the best version of yourself while loving each version of you along the way.

Affiliate Links:

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