Hobbies for seniors over 60 are better!

Hobbies for seniors over 60 are better!

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Hobbies for seniors over 60 are just that much better! Hobbies are an expression of our real loves, the things that may not have been able to support us financially, but more than supported us in so many other ways. Seniors are in the the enviable position of not thinking their hobby will make them rich. The kid with a pretty good curve ball might get the fantasy of a career with the Yankees, but seniors that enjoy their sports get to just love them for the fun of it.
In this video I urge all of us getting progressively older to enjoy those things we never got around to that maybe we can find the time for now. I share the things that have kept me interested for a lifetime. What are yours?
If you are in retirement or getting close, think about how you will spend the new time available to you. It could be the time of your life.

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Theme Song written and performed by Lincoln Eaton
Musical Accompaniment by Dee Yan-Key "Cornflowers"
from the Free Music Archive