7 Episodes in One! Painting ALL my New Minis Before They End Up in The Pile :-)

7 Episodes in One! Painting ALL my New Minis Before They End Up in The Pile :-)

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This is a haul video where all of the minis actually get painted! I’m showing off the miniatures and the paintjobs. My goal is to get these looking nice before they wind up in my pile of shame. This collection of figures is an assortment of freebies, as well as some minis that I bought at adepticon.

I’m exploring doing mashup videos like this as a way of painting more minis and stressing less about making each paintjob outstanding.

Here’s more information on the individual projects- beware, spoilers ahead!!! ;-)

1) Crocodile Games, crocogamer. A silly mascot from the sebeki faction of wargods of aegyptus. https://www.crocodilegames.com/store/itemDetail.cfm?prodID=483&catID=26

2) Some Battletech Battlemechs! https://store.catalystgamelabs.com/collections/battletech

3) Relicblade Wretched Hive Iguans from Metal King Studio (Sean Sutter)

4) "Dark Acolyte" aka NOT Star Wars Jedi by War Scenery

5) Sand Scavenger Exotic Dancer from Monster Den Minis and Hack+Slash Minis

6) Omicron Protocol by Dead Alive Games

7) Warzone Eternal by Res Nova Games

Other supplies acquired at the convention:
Huge Miniatures paint https://hugeminis.com/
Artis Opus (drybrushes) https://www.artis-opus.com/
Turbo Dork paint https://turbodork.com/
Blacksite Studios (terrain bits) https://blacksitestudio.com/

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Paint Bravely The Podcast- on your podcast app and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZN-qYkmCDfWfP4qYEtsB_w
The Twenty Sided Realms Podcast https://tsrpodcast.libsyn.com/tsrp-waterdeep-episode-1

Disclosure: Some of the items shown in this video were freebies from the convention. I do not have a financial relationship with any of the companies who appear in this video. I have had friendly conversations with company reps from most of the brands shown in this video.

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