Bretonnian Knights of the Realm Painted with Warpaints Fanatic from The Army Painter.

Bretonnian Knights of the Realm Painted with Warpaints Fanatic from The Army Painter.

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Bretonnians! Painting some old 6th edition Warhammer Fantasy minis to test out some brand new paint! These Bretonnian Knights of the Realm from 2004 have been revived for Warhammer The Old World, and I just got a box of new paint in the mail thats in need of testing! I want to try out a bunch of pretty colors and paint up a front line of Bretonnians for a cavalry charge. Back in my day, Bretonnia was the "enemy army" arrayed against my Greenskins, but I still like them :-)

The paint is Warpaints Fanatic from The Army Painter, which is the replacement for their original formulation of Warpaint. Disclosure, I received this paint as a free review sample ahead of release. I briefly played a role as an alpha tester on this paint.

The review so far is that Warpaints fanatic is a big step up from the original warpaint. I can confirm that the beading on the first coat is the fault of the Behr primer and not the warpaint! ;-)

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