YouTuber Ethics Vs. Free Samples! (New P3 Paint From Steamforged Games & Send In The Goblins!)

YouTuber Ethics Vs. Free Samples! (New P3 Paint From Steamforged Games & Send In The Goblins!)

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Mini Painting YouTube is a big 'ol gray area of product placement. Every video pretty much must include brushes, paints, and miniatures... but sometimes the motivations behind these choices can feel a bit icky. In a mature and respectful way we're going to take a peek into this can of worms :-) Specifically, what are the pros and cons of the common practice of sending sample stock to influencers as a marketing strategy?

This is a video I'd been wanting to make for a while... it's just luck of the draw that P3 and Send In The Goblins are getting caught up in my musings and meditations today.

If the screentime in this video gets you in the mood for shopping.... the kickstarter for P3 is scheduled to launch on Sept 10th, and Send In The Goblins is planned for October 1st.

I have collaborated and exchanged favors with Twin Goddess miniatures in the past. Twin Goddess Miniatures has done some sculpting work for me, and I have featured their minis in some videos

The P3 paints were sent to me free of charge as sample stock. This is my first experience receiving samples from Steamforged Games. I have collaborated with some of their competitors in the miniature paint market previously.

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